rad! #263 04022024 [it's a kind of musikalischer jahresrueckblick 2023] tramhaus - minus twenty tramhaus - the goat tramhaus - erik's song beige banquet - animals beige banquet - konny 500 beige banquet - export / additive how yes no - sound guy how yes no - my dad s.g.a.t.v. - dark shadow s.g.a.t.v. - fire, owls and doomed television s.g.a.t.v. - suburban warzone filmmaker - broken power gloves filmmaker - side quest filmmaker - cursed lineage the shits - you're a mess the shits - the venus (after hours) hez - vida aburrida hez - desconectado sleaford mods - rhythms of class saul adamczewski - waiting for adam saul adamczewski - papa baja saul adamczewski - markle moon saul adamczewski - kent izzeo - cop cuties depeche mode - people are good